Tips For Keeping Your Clients Happy
By Kelli Biller If you are in a service-based industry, keeping your clients happy it literally the heartbeat of your business… Your business can’t survive without them after all! After 8 years of managing a wide range of clients, I’ve picked up a tip or two on how to foster successful and long-lasting client relationships! […]
Control Your Inbox Before It Controls You
Ever feel like your inbox pretty much runs your life? Hopefully I’m not the only one raising my hand! Email is the heartbeat of how we operate our businesses, but it doesn’t have to “control” your business. Here are a few tips on how to keep your inbox lean and organized, so that you can […]
Increase Your Productivity Through Task Management & Mastering The To-Do List
Is your to-do list just keep growing? Are you overwhelmed with your task load? Let’s fix that! Learn some simple and effective task management tips that will leave you feeling productive, organized and ready to tackle it all! How many of you feel discouraged and overwhelmed by the amount of work you need to accomplish […]
Taking Back Your Weekends As A Small Business Owner
Let’s talk about task management for a hot minute and something that has been working for me that I want to share with you. I’m going to let you in on a tip that has really allowed me to take back my weekends – for the most part! Like many of you, my weekends were […]
How To “Go On Vacation” When You Own A Business
By Kelli Biller Running your own business and taking a vacation seem like oxymorons right!? I mean if you aren’t there to answer your emails and manage your inbox then who is!? It’s just not possible. In actuality it is 100% necessary for you to unplug and recharge every once in a while, despite how […]
5 Tips To Being A Better Work-At-Home-Mom
By Kelli Biller Being a work-at-home-mom “appears” to be this sort of utopia, where you are able to find this perfect balance of work versus home and have all your priorities in a nice little row…. I’m going to stop right there and burst some bubbles. As any WAHM mom knows all too well – […]
The Importance of an Instagram Profile
By Coley Arnold We are all so sick of the algorithms that keep changing on Instagram, but I’m here to tell you that Instagram is still such an important tool to grow your business. It’s worth spending time and energy refining your profile and using Instagram to grow your business! It may seem that everyone […]
Official Launch Date
Foundress officially launches on August 16th.