June 2021 Meeting

Our mentor Lauren Ruiz kicked off our Summer Virtual Meetings last week, where she discussed how to set aligned boundaries! In case you weren’t able to join us or if you want to rewatch the amazing information Lauren shared the meeting recording is now ready! {Click here to watch our June Virtual Meeting} Passcode: 1$^VyM6S

Mika Perry: How to Strengthen your AM and PM Routines During Quarantine 


Routines create habits – you choose whether you have positive or negative habits in your life. Routines build repetition. Routines help you think less – less decisions to make Routines give you freedom – more energy for all the other stuff in your life (kids, business, creativity, fun) MORNING ROUTINE Why is a morning routine […]

Britany Simon: Managing & Cultivating Creativity


How to honor your creative spirit while running a successful business I don’t know about you but over the last few weeks of this quarantine and inability to be free to do what we need, I have found myself in a bit of a creative block.  It got me thinking about the things a creative […]

Sage Aubrey: Growing A Fiercely Loyal Community 

Take Your Mask Off Be yourself, don’t try and be something you are not Show your strengths and weaknesses and be vulnerable – this is what makes you approachable Speak to your followers like they are your friends Be Consistent! Post at the same time daily so people know what to expect Your feed should […]

10 Tips For Working From Home

If coronavirus social distancing has you navigating working from home for the first time or if you are struggling to get into a new “normal” working routine, here are some key tips for being productive and successful. Working from Home Survival Guide 1. Make your bed. As strange as this one might seem, making your […]

What Does Success Mean :: From Lauren Ruiz

Success is setting priorities, not goals! Success is an innately personal journey guided by the seasons of life. Do not shy away from your pursuit of success, financial abundance or feel shame in contentment. The journey is a daily practice that begins with honestly identifying where you currently are and where you want to go. […]

What Does Success Mean :: From Sage Aubrey

When I was younger I use to fantasize of owning a MAJOR fashion brand and being a powerful force as a woman. Don’t get me wrong I still visualize those things but today my motivations are totally different. When I started to navigate through the fashion industry I began to recognize the egos, attitudes and […]

Friends turned business partners?

By @lauren-ruiz Friends turned business partners can be such a blessing for your friendship and business opportunities, but let’s be honest, they can also be complicated. I am sure the you are a lot like me, I am incredibly protective of both. For this reason, I always counsel my clients to get an Operating Agreement […]

The Comparison Trap

By @kelli Comparison. We are all guilty of it. And the world of social media makes it even easier to slip into a state of comparison. However, comparison is actually a trap. It can prevent you for achieving your own success and recognizing your own giftings and accomplishments. Success does not come from comparison, it […]