April 2021 Meeting

Our April meeting Featured our mentor Lindsey Schwartz and Lori Harder where they shared: “How to Powerfully Collaborate with Other Women in Business and Life”
March 2021 Meeting

Mentor Panel :: What I Wished I Knew Before Starting My Business
Mentor Video :: Lorena :: Starting Your Business From Scratch

Listen to our mentor Lorena as she discusses her biggest challenges in starting her own business from the ground up. Lorena also shares insight on how she overcame obstacles in growing her own successful business. Key Takeaways: 1 >> If you are struggling with the decision to do something outside of your comfort zone, […]
Why I Make New Years Intentions Versus Resolutions

By Coley ( @coleyarnold ) I don’t make New Years Resolutions, I guess I always felt like they were things that would never actually come true and I would just set myself up for failure. How many times do you say on January 1st that you will work out more, but two weeks into January, you […]