August 2021 Meeting

Our August meeting featured our Shelby Curtis, who shared tips on Storytelling For Instagram Conversion
Pointers on Creating on a Time “Budget.”

By @karenmitchell Ladies! Let’s be honest, social media can be a huge time suck. It’s an important tool as we dig deeper into the world of working as influencers. It’s equally important that we remember this is a part of our career – sometimes even entirely our career and so it must be treated that […]
Social Media Tips To Make An Impact

From Coley Arnold We all know Social Media is the best at making connections and getting out your message. But, with the changes happening all the time, it can also be very frustrating to stay on top of. Here are a few tips to make life easier! Use Stories Stories are typically seen more than […]
Using Partnerships To Grow Your Business

By Coley Partnering with like-minded businesses is a great way to boost your following and awareness, but how do you begin to reach out to companies? Reach for the stars and don’t be afraid to contact the “big brands” and see if you get a response. That being said, we have found that starting small […]
How To Keep Your Instagram Real and Relevant

The real is the heart and connection and the relevant is what is going to allow you to further your business. Keeping It Real Be real. How are you connecting your message with your following and targeting your customer base? As you post a feed that is real, you evoke human emotion which leads to […]
Top 5 Apps To Help Keep You Productive On The Go

If you sat down long enough to think about it, how much of your “actual” working hours are spent at a computer versus your phone? I’m guessing depending on the day they are comparable. This is why arming yourself (or your phone) with the right suite of apps can help you transition seamlessly from your […]
How to get the most out of Instagram Stories

Insta stories are actually very effective for your business if you use them correctly. It seems like lately, people scroll less and more people are just watching stories. Which can seem like a bad thing if you are only looking at your likes and comments, but it can also really help you! One really easy […]
The Importance of an Instagram Profile

By Coley Arnold We are all so sick of the algorithms that keep changing on Instagram, but I’m here to tell you that Instagram is still such an important tool to grow your business. It’s worth spending time and energy refining your profile and using Instagram to grow your business! It may seem that everyone […]