Sakura: Connecting With Your Community on Instagram

People are engaged more than ever on social media Followers are also sifting through and unfollowing accounts that don’t serve them. Make sure you are offering content that is useful and relatable to your followers. Now is the perfect time to connect with your followers genuinely Tips: Engage Be resourceful and relatable Connect Personally- show […]
Dr. Morgan Francis: Uncertainty

How to understand where you get stuck when you feel out of control.
Britany Simon: Managing & Cultivating Creativity

How to honor your creative spirit while running a successful business I don’t know about you but over the last few weeks of this quarantine and inability to be free to do what we need, I have found myself in a bit of a creative block. It got me thinking about the things a creative […]
Sage Aubrey: Growing A Fiercely Loyal Community

Take Your Mask Off Be yourself, don’t try and be something you are not Show your strengths and weaknesses and be vulnerable – this is what makes you approachable Speak to your followers like they are your friends Be Consistent! Post at the same time daily so people know what to expect Your feed should […]
Karie Johnson: Leading A Team Of Leaders

If you don’t let other people lead, YOU will become the LID to the organization The POTENTIAL of my organization doesn’t rest in MY ability- it rests in my ability to EMPOWER others Let go of EGO/PERFECTION/CONTROL Only do what I LOVE to do and HAVE to do You can do it all, but you […]
Nicole Myden: Publicity During Quarantine

First up, please give yourself grace and compassion right now to know that you don’t need to be putting energy and finances into publicity for your business. You’re valuable and worthy as you are and navigating one day at a time. But – if you do want to be putting energy into press right now, […]