Britany Simon: Managing & Cultivating Creativity

How to honor your creative spirit while running a successful business I don’t know about you but over the last few weeks of this quarantine and inability to be free to do what we need, I have found myself in a bit of a creative block. It got me thinking about the things a creative […]
Sage Aubrey: Growing A Fiercely Loyal Community

Take Your Mask Off Be yourself, don’t try and be something you are not Show your strengths and weaknesses and be vulnerable – this is what makes you approachable Speak to your followers like they are your friends Be Consistent! Post at the same time daily so people know what to expect Your feed should […]
May Meeting Mentor Roundtables

Our May Mentor Roundtables were nothing short of amazing! If you weren’t able to attend or if you just want to replay the amazing information shared by our mentors, then simply click the link below to watch! { Watch Video Here. } Password: 3C.&++33
May Meeting 2019