August 2019 Meeting Re-Cap :: 6 strategies to build and live the business life you want

By Mika Perry Take care of yourself When we bring to light our weaknesses, that’s when our strengths can shine. Be honest with yourself and with others. The key to successful mornings is a successful night routine Think of all the things you can do to help yourself in the morning. Planning ahead gives you […]
March 2019 Meeting
March Meeting Recap :: Client Expectations

By @sydney Britany Simon embraced the Foundress this month with her wisdom in outlining to major components of business: client expectations and examining which type of entrepreneur each of us are. Client Expectations 1. The Importance of Contracts Britany shared the value of including everything that you feel with protect both your business and the client’s […]
January Meeting Recap: People and Partnership

We had the honor and privilege to have Alex Evjen, founder of Ave Styles, speak her wisdom on how to develop a business that is grounded on relationships with people and in partnership. Business Is About People “We need to remember that we each have lives outside of what we do.” In this day and […]
December 2018 Meeting
December Meeting Recap :: Authenticity

Mandi Gubler the founder of Vintage Revivals DIY Blog, shared some perspective on running an online business centered around authenticity. Its Thanksgiving Day, the turkey is based in a marinade that will produce a golden crispy skin and is placed in the oven to slowly cook the meat inside. But, when the turkey is pulled […]