Do you write down your goals?

By @coleyarnold I admit I am a bit of a perfectionist. You would never know that by coming to my house and seeing my pile of dirty dishes and dirty house, but it’s true. If I know I can’t perform perfectly or finish a job, I just won’t start. I believe this limits so much […]
Why I Make New Years Intentions Versus Resolutions

By Coley ( @coleyarnold ) I don’t make New Years Resolutions, I guess I always felt like they were things that would never actually come true and I would just set myself up for failure. How many times do you say on January 1st that you will work out more, but two weeks into January, you […]
Resolving To “Chunk” My Time

By Kelli Biller { @kelli } With any new year, I try to reflect on the year prior and identify a few things I’d like to essentially do better or different for the next year. Yes, these would be what you call New Year’s Resolutions 🙂 I try to isolate one thing from the following “life buckets” […]