October 2023 Meeting Recording

Panel Experts: Coley, Lindsey, Christy, Shaina & Meredith HIRING, COLLABORATIONS & PARTNERSHIPS: WHEN & HOW!?
January Meeting Recap: People and Partnership

We had the honor and privilege to have Alex Evjen, founder of Ave Styles, speak her wisdom on how to develop a business that is grounded on relationships with people and in partnership. Business Is About People “We need to remember that we each have lives outside of what we do.” In this day and […]
Being Authentic On Social Media

The new trend I have noticed on social media, is Authenticity. Authentic… this word has been highly overused in the social media world lately. But what does it really mean, and are we using it correctly on our platforms? au·then·tic /ôˈTHen(t)ik/ adjective 1. of undisputed origin; genuine.”the letter is now accepted as an authentic document” […]
Using Partnerships To Grow Your Business

By Coley Partnering with like-minded businesses is a great way to boost your following and awareness, but how do you begin to reach out to companies? Reach for the stars and don’t be afraid to contact the “big brands” and see if you get a response. That being said, we have found that starting small […]