August 2021 Meeting

Our August meeting featured our Shelby Curtis, who shared tips on Storytelling For Instagram Conversion
Sakura: Connecting With Your Community on Instagram

People are engaged more than ever on social media Followers are also sifting through and unfollowing accounts that don’t serve them. Make sure you are offering content that is useful and relatable to your followers. Now is the perfect time to connect with your followers genuinely Tips: Engage Be resourceful and relatable Connect Personally- show […]
Best Practices On Growing Your Facebook Page & Groups

From @amandakosakowski Here are some best practices for growing page/groups. If you scroll down to the bottom, theres a little tutorial too to watch. More resources that are awesome: Growing your Group (this one is great!!): start spreading the word and growing your group with these recommended tactics from experienced admins. Your one-stop resource center for building a thriving community: Learn […]
How To Support Businesses On Social

You may be wondering what you can do to help support your favorite small businesses. Here are just a few things you can do on social media to show your love and boost a small business who needs your help more now than ever before! #1 >> Share & Like Their Posts #2 >> Like, […]
Latest Social Media Trends In 2020

Are you looking to ramp up your social presence in 2020? (Who isn’t right?!) Staying ahead of or at least in line with the social media curb is essential to success. However, that always seems like an impossible task. Social media is forever changing and algorithms are being altered literally daily. Carving out time in your […]
Unplugging For The Holidays {+ FREE Downloads}

With the holidays quickly approaching, we want to empower you (or give you permission) to take some time off and truly enjoy the season. I know many of us tend to feel the pressure to constantly being active on social in order to stay relevant, however taking a few days off to enjoy time with […]
Mentor Video :: Leah :: Being Authentic On Social Media

Listen to our mentor Leah as she discusses how being authentic on social media by showing the good and the not-so-good can actually help benefit your business and create a community of more engaged followers. Key Takeaways: 1 >> Show the good and the bad. The pretty and even the failed attempts. 2 >> Showcasing […]
Being Authentic On Social Media

The new trend I have noticed on social media, is Authenticity. Authentic… this word has been highly overused in the social media world lately. But what does it really mean, and are we using it correctly on our platforms? au·then·tic /ôˈTHen(t)ik/ adjective 1. of undisputed origin; genuine.”the letter is now accepted as an authentic document” […]
The Importance of an Instagram Profile

By Coley Arnold We are all so sick of the algorithms that keep changing on Instagram, but I’m here to tell you that Instagram is still such an important tool to grow your business. It’s worth spending time and energy refining your profile and using Instagram to grow your business! It may seem that everyone […]