August 2019 Meeting Re-Cap :: 6 strategies to build and live the business life you want 

By Mika Perry  Take care of yourself When we bring to light our weaknesses, that’s when our strengths can shine.  Be honest with yourself and with others. The key to successful mornings is a successful night routine Think of all the things you can do to help yourself in the morning.  Planning ahead gives you […]

How We Grew A Brand…

By @coleyarnold As I was sitting in our branding workshop this month listening to Lorena and Sakura talk about the tools and tips for successful branding, I began thinking of our Journey with Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market. When Lindsey and I started Junk in the Trunk, we had no clue what we were […]

Why I Make New Years Intentions Versus Resolutions

By Coley ( @coleyarnold ) I don’t make New Years Resolutions, I guess I always felt like they were things that would never actually come true and I would just set myself up for failure. How many times do you say on January 1st that you will work out more, but two weeks into January, you […]

Resolving To “Chunk” My Time

By Kelli Biller { @kelli } With any new year, I try to reflect on the year prior and identify a few things I’d like to essentially do better or different for the next year. Yes, these would be what you call New Year’s Resolutions 🙂 I try to isolate one thing from the following “life buckets” […]

Before You Start-Up

From Karen Mitchell What a joy to be a part of this platform. For years I have watched and engaged in supporting Coley and Lindsay however possible, from a very long distance away. I am never surprised by what achievement they accomplish or by their exceedingly beautiful thing they create. When they asked me to […]

December Meeting Recap :: Authenticity

Mandi Gubler the founder of Vintage Revivals DIY Blog, shared some perspective on running an online business centered around authenticity. Its Thanksgiving Day, the turkey is based in a marinade that will produce a golden crispy skin and is placed in the oven to slowly cook the meat inside. But, when the turkey is pulled […]